An alternative to prevent the error of linearization (x ± y)^n = x^n ± y^n

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Guillermo Cervantes Campo
Rafael Enrique Martínez Solano


In this paper an alternative to prevent the so-called linearization error is presented as a product of the investigation of algebraic errors that our freshmen produce, which occurs very often when our students intend to develop exercises that require algebraic manipulations. In addition, it seeks to identify the possible source of error and to implement the use of computational tools that enable you to minimize the presence of this type of error. The proposal is based on the power of computational tools to amplify the structure under study, in this case the error (x ± y)^n = x^n ± y^n, that allows us to reorganize the knowledge obtained from the scans with a symbolic computation software.


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Artículo corto de resultados preliminares de investigación
Author Biographies

Guillermo Cervantes Campo, Docente Universidad del Norte

agister en Educación, Uninorte. Magister en Ciencias-Matemáticas, Unal. Dpto. de Matemáticas, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia.

Rafael Enrique Martínez Solano, Docente Universidad del Norte

Magister en Ciencias-Matemáticas, Univalle-Uninorte. Dpto. de Matemáticas, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia.



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