Concepciones de las alumnas de licenciatura en Pedagogía Infantil acerca de los polígonos. Concepciones de las alumnas de licenciatura en Pedagogía Infantil acerca de los polígonos

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Carlos Javier Rojas Álvarez


This article aims at describing the conceptions about polygons of first semester students of Childhood Education Program. The study has a descriptive character and was carried out in 52 students of the first semester of the Childhood Education Program between 2005 and 2006. Findings show that 32 out of 52 students (61.53%) differentiate a pentagon from a triangle, correctly arguing their answer. This percentage is at level 2 of geometrical reasoning according to Van Hiele. It was also found that 15 out of 23 students (65.21%) identify a concave quadrilateral as a quadrilateral correctly arguing their answer.


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Author Biography

Carlos Javier Rojas Álvarez, Universidad Del Norte.

Magister en Educación. Docente Tiempo Completo (Atlántico) Profesor del departamento de matemáticas, 


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