Efecto de la construcción de sólidos sobre la rotación 3D en un grupo de estudiantes.

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Carlos Javier Rojas Álvarez


The aim of this study is to determine the effect of solid construction on 3D rotation.

Applying a quasi-experimental, before and after, with non-equivalent control group. The subjects were students of first semester of Industrial Design and Graphic Design, aged between 17 and 22 years, of both genders.

The methodology of the class consisted of build, in groups of two students, a polyhedron with cardboard from the same capacity and delivery of the polyhedron with a written report, in person. Finally, in the subsequent class, each group exposed calculations made and the construction process. The Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, was taken as a model of statistical decision in order to determine whether there were significant variations in the level of spatial relationships. Finding of the study support the working hypothesis with a 95% confidence level.


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Carlos Javier Rojas Álvarez , Universidad del Norte

Universidad del Norte

Magíster en Educación


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