The real problem and perception in the conservation of perimeter and area

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Carlos Javier Rojas Álvarez


The aim of this study is to describe the evolution of the students regarding the conservation of the perimeter and the area, before and after a course of Calculus with emphasis in the solution of real problems and the perception. The subjects were students of second semester of Industrial Design, with ages comprised between 16 and 19, of both genders. The methodology has as its aim to solve problems which are reproducible in the reality, and whose answers are verifiable through perception and measurement. I was found that the methodology attained that 36,36% evolved from one stadium to another of upper level in the conservation of the perimeter, whereas in the conservation of the area 72,7% evolved from one stadium to another of upper level.


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Author Biography

Carlos Javier Rojas Álvarez, Universidad del Norte

Magíster en educación. Profesor de Matemáticas, Universidad del norte. 


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